Objective,Vision and Mission


  • To act as a nodal and technical agency for strengtheningSpecial Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU), Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU), SHOs and CLG members so that issues of children are addressed with sensitivity
  • To undertake and promote research in the field of child protection and child rights
  • To run various courses on issuesinfluencing life of children with focus on child protection
  • To act as a knowledge hub and resource agency in the domain of child protection and child rights
  • To interact and facilitate interaction withvarious organs; Government and other agencies on issues relating to child protection & provide consulting support and functional assistance
  • To serve as a resource pool on child protection issues

Vision and Mission of CCP


To create an academic environment by performing academic and research activities focusing on Child Protection, child rights and child development through capacity building programmes, field activities, educational acts, networking & advocacy


To Sensitize police personnel and other functionaries through capacity building programmes, to create a resource pool of trainers & counsellors and to make efforts of mapping the vulnerabilities for the identification of the areas of intervention